— Fat soluble vitamins essay

D3 obtained from fish liver oil, egg, milk, butter, ghee etc. Calcitriol has a role in calcium and phosphate metabolism, ii Vitamin D activates the transcription of mRNA for calcium fat soluble vitamins essay protein, iii It helps in the growth and development of bone and teeth, iv Increase the excretion of phosphate. Vitamin D deficiency leads to rickets in children and osteomalacia in fat soluble vitamins essay. In osteomalacia the bones become weak and fragile instead of being soft due to decalcification of bones.

Excess intake of vitamin D cause increase level of Ca and P. the internet brings more harm than good essay

Fat and Water Soluble Vitamins Essay

As a result, kidney, arteries, muscles, etc. The early symptoms cause anorexia loss of appetitethrist, constipation and polyuria followed by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It is called antisterility vitamin or fertility vitamin because of its requirement in proper functioning of reproductive system.

Vegetable oil, leafy vegetables, milk, cheese, egg, meat etc.

Fat and Water- Soluble Vitamins Essay Sample

Hence, it is also called as beauty vitamin, iii It helps in the normal functioning of fat soluble vitamins essay muscles, gonads and renal tubules. It is called antihemorrhagic vitamin or vitamin for blood clotting or coagulation vitamin. Chemically vitamin K is a naphthoquinone derivative. Naturally it occurs in two forms, i. The claudiadgiesalameda.000webhostapp.com a synthetic product.

Green leafy vegetables, soybean, carrots, potatoes, milk, fish and meats etc.

Fat soluble vitamins are absorbed into the lipids fats that travel through the lymphatic system of the small intestines and into the blood stream to circulate through the body. These vitamins tend to break down much slower. Fat soluble vitamins are not fat soluble vitamins essay when washing or fat soluble vitamins essay the foods that blog.rizolit-karelia.com nutrients and vitamins are in.

Vitamin D deficiency is called osteomalacia, which results from muscle weakness and week bones. Other risks that increase may be certain cancers, autoimmune disease and hypertension. You can avoid vitamin D deficiency by spending some time outside in the sun. Vitamin E, which is almost impossible to produce, can cause nausea and digestive tract disorder.

As vitamin E is very important as it protects vitamin A, C and fat soluble vitamins essay acids and prevents damage to cell membranes. Vitamin E can be obtained through food sources like vegetable oils, margarine, leafy vegetables, certain nuts and egg yolk. fightinnabil.ally-webdesign.com create hemorrhaging as vitamin K helps blood to clot.

Vitamin K is naturally produced by bacteria in the intestines and helps promote healthy bones, but be aware that people that may take antibiotics may lack vitamin K temporary as the antibiotic may kill some of the bacteria used to kill some infections. Excessive amounts of vitamin K can also cause the break down of red blood cells and create liver damage.

Fat and Water- Soluble Vitamins Essay Sample

Water soluble vitamins B-complex and vitamin Cunlike fat fat soluble vitamins essay vitamin dissolve in water and are not stored and our bodies are in fat soluble vitamins essay supply of them in our diets.

These vitamins are purged in urine as we go to the bathroom. Other ways the vitamins are lost or destroyed is during food preparation or storage. Unlike fat online research papers vitamins, water soluble vitamins can really only be overdosed through supplementation, which is taking supplements beyond the levels recommended.

The overdose and toxicity vary by vitamin. High doses of vitamin C causes nausea, diarrhea and abdominal cramps and with prolong use may also cause kidney stones.

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Vitamin B6 causes sensitivity to light and numbness in extremities or neuropathy and niacin causes flushing, hot flashes, nausea and dizziness Jackson, Three known B-vitamin deficiencies are beriberi, pellagra and detector-dislexia.000webhostapp.com anemia, fat soluble vitamins essay are not common in the United States but can occur when people omit certain foods from their diet or fat soluble vitamins essay eat certain foods.

These vitamins may be obtained but fat soluble vitamins essay different vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and dairy products. As the same with fat soluble vitamins, water soluble vitamins can have effects should you become deficient in certain vitamins: Vitamin C can be obtained through many fruits and dark green vegetables. B-Vitamins can be obtained in many grains, white rice, white flour and pastas.
